Resources for Communication Skills

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Marketing communication

Marketing communication in the tourism and hospitality industries

Facts about ads

l Approximately $US400 billion is spend on advertising each yea in the world (over $US200 billion in the USA alone).

l The average consumer is exposed to hundreds of ads every day.

l By the time we die we will have spent an estimated one and a half years watching TV commercials.

Source: Sutherland, M., & Sylvester, A. (2000). Advertising and the mind of the consumer. South Australia: Griffin Press.

Today’s topic

Marketing communication in the tourism and hospitality industries

Outline of the topic

Purposes of the speech

l Understanding …

l the tourism and hospitality industries.

l the process and function of communication.

l ways ads present.

l Tools in marketing communication and their applications.

Topic 1

Background Information

Tourism & hospitality industries

l Tourism industry

l Hospitality industry

l Characteristics of the industries

l High sales volatility

l High product perishability

l High fix cost

l Labor-intensive activities

Marketing communication (MC)

l Definition of MC

l Tools in MC

l Advertising ( Print \ Electric \ Transportation)

l Publicity

l Sales promotion

l Personal selling

l Packaging

l Events and sponsorship


l After watching the commercials, please answering the following questions.

l What are the “messages?”

l What are the “medium” that be used?

l Can you define the way (presentation style) of the commercials?

l Discovery Channel (mosquito, fish, meteor)

l Brandy’s (蜆精)

Topic 2



Topic 3

Culture factor

Image and reality

l Illusion

l Rabbit-duck

l a vase or two faces

l A young woman or an old lady

l The word “Liar” or a man’s faces

l Culture differences?

l Examples

l Butter

l Baby food

l Korean water


Baby food

Topic 4

Ways ads present

Elements that make up an ad

l Sex

l Humor

l Testimonial

l Music

l Spokesperson

l Animation

l Drama

Topic 5

MC tools

l Advertising

l Publicity

l Sales promotion

l Packaging

l Event and spaceship


Advertising—other forms

l TV (Airline ads)

l Radio (Hotel)

l Web (Coca cola JP)

l Transportation (Train 1, Train 2)

Other MC tools

l Publicity

l Spokesperson

l Sales promotion

l Coupon

l Fan

l Packaging

l Food package

l Wine

l Events and sponsorship

l Toy Collectibles, Action Figures

l Convention (tabasco)


Topic 6


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